Emergency Assistance


If you feel unsafe and/or need emergency assistance following an incident of sexual violence, the following resources are available to help:

Methodist University Security: 910.630.7577

  • Available 24-hours/day
  • Security can address immediate safety concerns, facilitate contact with the Dean-on-Call and Counselor-on-Call, and facilitate after-hours communication with a Title IX Coordinator for after-hours campus reporting

Campus Resources

Reporting Resources

There is no image associated with this item. Dr. William Walker Dr. Todd Harris
Mr. Matthew Dempster Dr. William Walker Dr. Todd Harris

Emergency Contacts

  • Methodist University Public Safety/Welcome Center, 910.630.7098 (24 hours)
  • Methodist University Police, 7577 (24 hours)

Confidential Resources

Medical Care

Support Services

Other Resources

Cape Fear Valley Medical Center Emergency Room (910-615-8000)

Available 24-hours/day

Off-Campus Confidential Support Services

The following off-campus support resources can maintain confidentiality:

A Note About Confidentiality

The University is federally obligated to take action to address, remedy, and prevent the recurrence of all incidents of sexual misconduct that it knows about or should reasonably have known about. In order to meet this obligation, the University has designated all employees except the confidential resources listed above as Responsible Employees. Responsible Employees must contact the Title IX Coordinator to report incidents of sexual misconduct of which they gain knowledge.

A Note About Privacy

While Responsible Employees cannot maintain confidentiality, they are required to respect the privacy of anyone who discloses an incident of sexual misconduct to them. This means that Responsible Employees are instructed not to disclose information to anyone other than those to whom they are obligated to report.

Learn about the procedure for reporting sexual misconduct.

Methodist University’s complete Sexual Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Violence and Title IX Policy is in the Student Handbook.