B.S., University of South Carolina; M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Doctoral Thesis:

Development of an Ionically-Assembled On-Column Enzyme Reactor for Capillary Electrophoresis

Professional Societies:

American Chemical Society

Research Interests:

Dr. Hooper Marosek has several research interests. She is involved in forensic research with our Applied Forensic Science department. She utilizes chemical instrumentation to analyze gunshot residue (GSR) on T-shirt samples, the age of dried bloodstains, and hemoglobin and certain proteins in human bones. Some of Dr. Hooper’s work has been published in the Journal of Forensic Research.

Dr. Hooper Marosek is also involved in research that is applicable to the fields of athletic training and exercise science. She has analyzed the content of several sports drinks and various products utilized by athletes to alleviate muscle cramps during practice, sport, or competition. These findings are under review for publication in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

In addition to her laboratory research, Dr. Hooper has served as a forensic consultant. She has worked with legal teams in Pennsylvania, Florida, and New York. She has published several chapters in a collaborative book with other forensic experts to educate law enforcement officials and attorneys about the science of drug and alcohol testing.

Personal Interests:

Her personal interests include clog dancing (recreational and competitive), music (clarinet, piano), art, sports, forensics, being a mom, Gamecock sports, chemistry, puzzles (crosswords, soduku). She is married and has daughter, a dog, and a cat.