Institutional Advancement
The Office of Institutional Advancement works to continually grow Methodist University by coordinating a variety of fundraising efforts. We invite you to learn more about them and even make a difference by investing into the future of our students.
Alumni Giving
Your education at Methodist has helped open many doors and opportunities. It is the successes of our alumni that have given Methodist University the noteworthy reputation we are so proud of today. Your investment in the University and its students will help continue Methodist’s tradition of excellence and pay dividends for years to come through the accomplishments of future Methodist graduates. Giving your financial resources is the greatest vote of confidence that you can cast for your University. Give passionately!
Loyalty Campaign for Student Scholarships
Many of our students would not have access to a world-class education from Methodist University without the investment that individuals and businesses make every year through the Loyalty Campaign for Student Scholarships. More than 95 percent of Methodist University receive assistance, and the University devotes more than 29 percent of its budget to scholarships. Your financial contribution will positively impact future generations. All proceeds benefit the Loyalty Campaign Scholarship Fund.
Endowed Scholarship Program
Thousand of student success stories unfold every year at Methodist University because of scholarships. By establishing a scholarship, you provide a fundamental, ongoing gift that will provide tuition relief for qualified and deserving students. Interested in setting up an Endowed Scholarship? To learn more about our Endowed Scholarship Program contact the Advancement Office at (910) 630-7200.
Volunteer Boards
The Office of Institutional Advancement offers alumni, donors, friends, and corporations numerous opportunities to get involved with Methodist University. The Advancement Office works with two volunteer boards that provide leadership and support the mission of the University. The Founders Council provides support for scholarships through the Loyalty Campaign and shares the mission of Methodist University with the community and brings visitors to campus. The Alumni Association works with alumni around to world to keep them engaged with the University. To learn more about volunteering contact the Advancement Office at (910) 630-7200.
Donor Giving Societies
Diamond Society | $1 million and above |
Platinum Society | $500,000 to $999,999 |
Gold Society | $250,000 to $499,999 |
Circle of Vision | $100,000 to $249,999 |
Circle of Distinction | $50,000 to $99,999 |
Circle of Excellence | $25,000 to $49,999 |
Trustees Society | $10,000 to $24,999 |
Founder’s Society | $5,000 to $9,999 |
President’s Society | $1,000 to $4,999 |
Monarch Society | $500 to $999 |
Green & Gold Circle | $250 to $499 |
Century Club | $100 to $249 |
Bell Tower Club | Up to $99 |