We are working on a plan to reopen Methodist University for in-person classes, athletic events, and on-campus activities beginning with the scheduled start of fall semester 2020, with classes scheduled to begin August 17.
Dear Members of the Methodist University Community,
I wish to inform you that we are working on a plan to reopen Methodist University for in-person classes, athletic events, and on-campus activities beginning with the scheduled start of fall semester 2020, with classes scheduled to begin August 17.
We have several groups preparing for this. Our Epidemic Response Team, consisting of professionals both from the university and from the county health department, is examining the public health, behavioral, and sanitization protocols that will need to be in place for us to reopen safely. Our Provost and the Academic Affairs team are examining course scheduling and safe course enrollments. And our Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students is working with the Residence Life team to examine the safest way to reopen the residence halls.
I will continue to keep you informed of our plans as they become more concrete over the summer. Of course, all our decisions will be contingent upon the evolving situation with COVID-19 and public health in the state of North Carolina and in the Fayetteville Community.
I am optimistic for a relatively normal fall start of classes, and I am very excited about seeing everyone again soon!
Best wishes for a happy and healthy summer,
Stanley T. Wearden, Ph.D.