I have recently heard of rumors that we have numerous cases of COVID-19 on our campus. I am writing to tell you that these rumors are completely false and unfounded.
Dear Members of the Methodist University Community,
I have recently heard of rumors that we have numerous cases of COVID-19 on our campus. I am writing to tell you that these rumors are completely false and unfounded.
Here is the true situation:
- We know of only two students, both off-campus, who have tested positive for COVID-19 and are now in isolation and being monitored by medical practitioners.
- As a precaution, we have tested 21 students. All of these tests have come back negative, which means that they showed no evidence of the virus. These students were all put on quarantine per public health guidelines and out of an abundance of caution. Thirteen of these students are in quarantine on campus, and 8 are in quarantine off campus.
- We know of no faculty or staff members who have recently tested positive or are currently being quarantined.
If you want to know the actual facts about COVID-19 at MU, please look at the dashboard on the Forward Together website.
Rumors are not unusual at times of stress and uncertainty – it’s just human nature. But not everything about human nature is good or healthy. Rumors are caused by fear and uncertainty, and sadly, sometimes by cynicism and a desire for attention. Whatever the cause, rumors can gradually rot out the hearts, the minds, and the souls of human beings. Rumors can kill trust and hope. They can even destroy our faith and our ability to love one another.
The good news is that there is a widely available cure for rumors – knowledge. Let’s not forget that Methodist University is an institution of higher learning. We focus on knowledge, facts, and critical thinking about rumors of disease and conspiracy. We are here because we believe deeply in the liberating and transformative power of knowledge. In addition, we are at Methodist University specifically because of our commitment to truth, virtue, justice, and love.
We are Monarchs! We’re better than rumors. I am confident we will continue to Move Forward Together … in knowledge and in taking care of one another.
Stanley T. Wearden, Ph.D.