Kinesiology class

Kinesiology Curriculum

Major Requirements

The Kinesiology major consists of 74-78 credits distributed as follows:

Required Courses

68-71 credits

KIN 2590 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries (3) KIN 3100 Health Related Physical Assessment (3)
BIO 1530/1531 Fundamentals of Biology I with Lab (4) KIN 3120 Biomechanics (3)
BIO 3060 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (4) KIN 4100 Physical Activity Epidemiology (3)
BIO 3080 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (4) KIN 4200 Clinical Exercise Physiology (3)
BIO 3980 Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy and Evolution (4) or BIO 4010 Embryology & Developmental Genetics (4) or BIO 4400 Cellular Physiology (4) KIN 4900 Clinical Observation in Kinesiology (2)
CHE 1510/1511 General Chemistry I with Lab (4) MAT 2200 Applied Statistics (3)
CHE 1520/1521 General Chemistry II with Lab (4) PHY 1510 General Physics I (4)
ENG 3201 Business Writing (3) or ENG 3210 Technical Writing (3) PHY 1520 General Physics II (4)
HCA 2300 Medical Terminology (3) PSY 2040 Lifespan Development (3) or PSY 3410 Abnormal Psychology (3)
KIN 2400 Sport and Fitness Nutrition (3) WEL 2180 Concepts of Fitness and Wellness (3)
KIN 3040 Physiology of Exercise (3)

Required Mathematics Sequence

Select one math sequence (6-7 credits) from the following list:

MAT 1125 Integrated Pre-Calculus I – Algebra (4) and MAT 1140 Pre-Calculus II – Trigonometry (3) MAT 2310 Calculus I (3) and MAT 2320 Calculus II (3)
MAT 1130 Pre-Calculus I – Algebra (3) and MAT 1140 Pre-Calculus II – Trigonometry (3)