Outside Scholarships

There are numerous outside scholarship resources available online and at most public libraries. Also, check with your high school guidance office (high school students), your local clubs or organizations, or the Office of Financial Aid for information about local or national scholarships. Pay particular attention to scholarship deadlines. A couple examples of search engines have been provided for you below:

Federal regulations and University policies require the Office of Financial Aid to consider all sources of assistance received by a student when determining eligibility for financial aid.

Non-University awards include all scholarships and grants awarded by agencies other than the Office of Financial Aid. They include National Merit or National Achievement scholarships, ROTC scholarships, tuition exchange and any scholarships awarded by churches, high schools, businesses, civic organizations, etc.

It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Office of Financial Aid if they will receive any assistance not reflected on their award letter. If you will receive outside scholarships, you must submit a completed Non-University Award Notification Form for each additional scholarship.

In the event that students receive additional assistance not listed on their award letter, the Office of Financial Aid may be required to reduce University-administered aid to remain in compliance with federal and state regulations and University policies. If you receive Non-University awards after your Federal funds have been awarded, your eligibility for aid will be reassessed and may cause some aid to be reduced. A new award letter will be mailed each time any changes are made to your aid notifying you of which funds have been reduced and the amount. You may be required to pay back disbursed funds which you are no longer eligible to receive.