Submission Guidelines

The Monarch Review is an online, interdisciplinary, multimedia journal run by Methodist University students for the publication of research and creative work composed by Methodist University students. Therefore, the Monarch Review is open to submissions from all Methodist University students, whether graduate or undergraduate. Submissions to the journal must not have been previously published and cannot contain any plagiarized work or ideas. All submissions must be submitted through the Monarch Review website submission process by 11:59 p.m. on January 31 in order to be considered for publication in the spring semester of that same academic year. All submissions will then be reviewed by Methodist University faculty and peer-reviewed by Methodist University students.

The Monarch Review will accept submissions from any Methodist University student, in any discipline, including research and creative work, and in multimedia formats. Interdisciplinary work is especially encouraged, and likewise is work that is both creative and research-based. Written work must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, composed in Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides, and using one of the following format and documentation styles that is appropriate to the primary discipline related to the submission: MLA, APA, or Chicago Style. Written work must not exceed 7,000 words. Multimedia work—sound and/or video content—must be submitted as a .mp4 or .mp3 file via OneDrive or as a Dropbox link. Artwork must be submitted as a TIFF, PNG, or JPG file. Any digital file over 5 MB requires contact with the editorial staff at [email protected].

Please also direct any questions to [email protected].

Submission Form

Include comments in the box above, or if your submission file is larger than 5 MB, you may include a link to your file from OneDrive or Dropbox there.
Accepted file types: tif, tiff, jpg, jpeg, png, doc, docx, rtf, mp4, mp3, Max. file size: 5 MB.
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