1. Using Arc to create screen recording or add captions can be found at Using Arc in Canvas.
  2. Microsoft Teams, available free to faculty and students. Captions are a built-in option that can be turned on by the presenter. Meetings held live can be recorded, saved, edited for caption review, and posted to Canvas. Information on editing captions can be found at Edit or delete a meeting transcript in Microsoft Teams
  3. Live Online Instruction/Discussions to be recorded and posted can be recorded with Canvas and captions added with Studio. Instructions are available at Canvas: Using Arc to add captions
  4. Zoom or equivalent virtual meeting software with simultaneous use of Microsoft Translator, a free download from the Microsoft website that will enable all speech to be transcribed into text for the student needing the accommodation. All participants must use Translator in order for all questions/comments to be accessible.
  5. Record with Microsoft Teams. Meetings can be recorded, saved, edited for caption review, and posted to Canvas. Information can be found on the Microsoft Support website.