Students are responsible for notifying instructors three business days prior to the exam if they wish to use their testing accommodations for an exam.
The instructor can choose to either provide the student with their testing accommodation(s) in their area or to have the student schedule to take their exam with SAAS.
Testing at SAAS
- Student is responsible for scheduling their exam with SAAS at least three business days prior to the exam.
- Student is responsible for notifying their professor they have scheduled their exam with SAAS, date, and time.
- SAAS will email the professor a notification the student has scheduled their exam at SAAS and provide the Exam Coversheet.
- Professor will need to email the completed (relevant information pertaining to that specific exam) Exam Coversheet to SAAS at [email protected]
SAAS Testing Hours
Students must arrive at least 15 minutes early to place their items in a locker and sign-in.
- Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
- Friday: 8:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.