Major Requirements

The major in Communication & Media consists of 50 credits, distributed as follows:

Required Foundation & Theory Courses

15 credits

CME 1050 Introduction to Communication and Media (3) CME 2000 Rhetorical Theory and Practice (3)
CME 1080 Critical Media Literacies (3) CME 2800 Communication and Media Theory (3)
CME 1500 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (3) or
CME 1510 Speech Communication (3)

Required Communication Practice Courses

12 credits

CME 2540 Strategic Communication (3) CME 3600 Exploring Cross Cultural Communication (3)
CME 3110 Law and Ethics in Communication (3) CME 3800 Qualitative Research Methods (3)

Communication Practice Specialization Elective

Select one elective course (3 credits) from the following list:

CME 3070 Journalism (3) CME 3530 Desktop Publishing (3)
ENG 3210 Technical Writing (3) MKT 3800 Advertising and Promotion (3)
CME 3350 Public Relations (3)

Leadership & Advocacy Elective

Select one elective course (3 credits) from the following list:

CME 3900 Collaborative Communication (3) LSS 3250 Theories and Techniques of Leadership (3)
LSS 3000 Principles of Leadership (3)  

Required Media Practice Courses

10 credits

CME 2570 Digital Media Writing I (3) CME 2600 Audiovisual Practicum (1)
CME 2580 Audiovisual Production (3) CME 3080 Social and Interactive Media (3)

Media Practice Specialization Elective

Select one elective course (3 credit hours) from the following list:

ART 3010 Photographic Media I (3) CME 3060 Computer Generated Graphics/Animation (3)
CME 3020 Advanced Audio Production (3) CME 3410 Content Management and Web Design (3)
CME 3030 Advanced Video Production (3)  

Student Directed Interest Electives

Choose a minimum of 3 credits from the following courses:

CME 4210 Internship: Communication and Media (1-5) CME 4990 Independent Study in Communication and Media (1-3)
CME 4850 Special Topics in Communication and Media (3) IDS 4550 Study Abroad (1-3)

* To fulfill this requirement, topics must be approved by the Director of the Communication & Media program.

Professionalization Course

The following course is required:

  • CME 4700 Senior Seminar (1 credit)