Minor Requirements

The Community Health Education minor consists of 19 credits distributed as follows:

KIN 1000 Introduction to Community Health Education (1) KIN 3000 Community Health (3)
KIN 2400 Sport & Fitness Nutrition (3) KIN 4115 Personal Training (3)
KIN 2800 Exercise for Disease and Disability (3) or KIN 3060 Adapted Physical Education (3) PHE 3115 Health Education (3)
KIN 2860 Foundations of Physiology (3)

Requirements for the Undergraduate Certificate

The Community Health Education Undergraduate Certificate consists of 12 credits distributed as follows:

KIN 2400 Human Nutrition (3) KIN 4115 Personal Training (3)
KIN 3000 Community Health (3) One additional Community Health Education course (minimum 3 credits) chosen from KIN 1000, 2800, 2860, 3060, and PHE 3115