Student talking at Methodist University


Degree Type:
Minor, Undergraduate/Post-Bacc Certificate
Mode of Study:
On Campus

Methodist University’s Entrepreneurship program prepares students to start new businesses, become key team members of existing businesses, or become successors to current businesses. Students that complete a major in Entrepreneurship will be prepared for professional entry-level employment in entrepreneurship-related fields.

Common Career Paths

Some of the top jobs for those with an educational background in Entrepreneurship include business owner, business consultant, marketing specialist, financial analyst, sales manager, and so much more.

Common Salary Ranges for Graduates

As mentioned above, there’s a long list of career opportunities for those with a background in Entrepreneurship. But, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the average annual salary for the following positions (which may require additional education) in North Carolina in 2021:

  • Business operations specialist: $80,380
  • Marketing specialist: $76,080
  • Financial analyst and advisor: $106,340
  • Sales manager: $142,390

Average Tuition Cost

The average cost for an incoming residential freshman to attend MU is less than $18,000 – similar to the cost of attending one of the big-box public schools, but with the enhanced value of a highly-regarded private school with a 12:1 student-to-faculty ratio.

While tuition varies, depending on a student’s financial aid package, it’s important to know that the average financial award for an incoming residential freshman at MU is more than $34,000.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

More than 97% of MU students receive some form of financial aid, with the University offering more than $24 million annually to students for scholarships. If a student is active military, family of active military, or a veteran, they may also qualify for MU’s military education benefits.

Interested in Methodist University’s Entrepreneurship minor or certificate?

If you have questions, see the FAQ below or reach out to Professor Donna Pelham using his contact info at the bottom of the page. If you’re ready to apply today, click the button below!

Minor Requirements

The Entrepreneurship minor consists of 18 credits distributed as follows:

ACC 1510 Principles of Financial Accounting (3) ENP 3010 Entrepreneurship (3)
BUS 1510 Management and Organization (3) ENP 3230 New Venture Capital (3)
BUS 1750 Personal Finance (3) MKT 1510 Principles of Marketing (3)

Undergraduate Certificate Requirements

The undergraduate certificate in Entrepreneurship consists of 12 credits as follows:

Required Courses

9 credits

ENP 3010 Entrepreneurship (3) ENP 4700 Entrepreneurship Internship (3)
ENP 3100 Growing a Business (3)

Elective Course

Select a 3-credit class from the student’s chosen major (approved by the department chairperson) at the 3000 level or higher.

Additional Requirements

The Undergraduate Certificate Program in Entrepreneurship (CPE) provides students from all majors the opportunity to learn how to start and manage their own businesses. The CPE consists of four courses (12 hours) in a 2-1-1 format. Students must take ENP 3010 and ENP 3100 prior to taking ENP 4700. The 3 credits elective course must be approved by the department chair prior to the student matriculating in the CPE. An entrepreneurship certificate will be granted after the successful completion of the program provided the student has a C average in the major course and a C average in Entrepreneurship. However, students must complete 50% of the certificate courses in residence and earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in the certificate courses.
