Tori Hord and a graphic design student

Graphic Design Curriculum

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)

Major Requirements

The Graphic Design major consists of 78 credits distributed as follows:

Required Core Courses

15 credits

AGD 1000 Design Production (3) ART 2030 Foundations Drawing I (3)
ART 1010 2D Design (3) ART 2050 Foundations Painting I (3)
ART 1020 3D Design (3)  

Studio Art Core Requirements

9 credits

Note: ART 1010 and ART 2030 are prerequisites for all studio courses.

ART 3000 Intermediate Drawing II (3) ART 3090 Relief Printmaking (3)
ART 3010 Photographic Media I (3)  

Art History Requirements

12 credits

AGD 2040 History of Graphic Design (3) ARH 2540 Survey of Art History II (3)
ARH 2530 Survey of Art History I (3)  

Select one course (3 credits) from the following list:

ARH 3530 Renaissance and Baroque: Art History and Theory (3) ARH 4850 Special Topics in Art History (3)
ARH 3540 Nineteenth and Twentieth Century: Art History and Theory (3)  

Professional Core Courses

36 credits

AGD 2000 Graphic Design Studio I (3) AGD 3050 Interactive Design (3)
AGD 2010 Typography I (3) AGD 4000 Graphic Design Capstone (3)
AGD 2020 Imaging for Graphic Design I (3) AGD 4010 Graphic Design Workshop (3)
AGD 2050 Typography II (3) AGD 4020 B.F.A. Senior Exhibit (capstone) (1)
AGD 3000 Graphic Design Studio II (3) ART 3020 Photographic Media II (3)
AGD 3030 Experimental Design (3) ART 4010 Business and Marketing in Art (2)

Elective Courses

6 credits

Select 6 credits from other courses with the following prefixes: AGD, ARH, ART, CME, CSC, and MKT.

Additional Requirements: Students must earn a final grade of C or better in all art, design, and art education courses. A minimum grade point average of 2.00 is required for graduation.