Green-to-Gold Scholarship Program
The Army ROTC Green To Gold Scholarship Program provides active duty service members who have decided to leave, or are considering leaving active duty, an opportunity to complete their baccalaureate degree at Methodist University and obtain a commission through the ROTC scholarship program.
Quality enlisted soldiers with officer potential, who have served at least two years on active duty, are allowed to voluntarily request discharge from active duty to enroll in Army ROTC. Four, three and two-year scholarships are available, as well as a two year non-scholarship option. Following graduation, scholarship and non-scholarship students of the Green To Gold program must return to the Army for eight years. This commitment can be fulfilled in a variety of ways.
The Army ROTC Green to Gold program seeks talented, young, active-duty enlisted soldiers with officer potential to voluntarily request discharge from active duty (program dependent—call for details) and enroll in Army ROTC to earn a baccalaureate or master’s degree and receive a commission as second lieutenant. Qualified soldiers may also apply for the active-duty option. If selected, they remain on active duty with full medical benefits and BAH while attending college.
For more information, contact the Methodist University Army ROTC office at 910.630.7693/7308 or contact the Army ROTC Recruiter at the information below. You may also visit the Green To Gold page at
Contact the Army Recruiter
James Salanitro