Felipe Bautista

Studied abroad in South Korea

Akili Jabulani

Kinesiology with minors in Spanish and Biology
Studied abroad in Argentina

Lenny McNeill

Spring Lake, NC
Applied Forensic Science
Studied abroad in Puerto Rico

Faith Bowen

Goldsboro, NC
Studied abroad in Italy, Nepal & Guatemala

Brent Breedlove

Goldsboro, NC
Studied abroad in Saint Lucia

Connor Evers

Clinton, Iowa
Marketing with a concentration in PGA Golf Management
Studied abroad in London, UK

Ahmed Aljukhaydib

’Unaiza, Saudi Arabia
Marketing & Business Administration
Studied abroad in Guatemala

Jennifer Ashworth

Carolina Beach, NC
Applied Forensic Science & Justice Studies
Studied abroad in Trieste, Bologna, and Venice, Italy; London and Wales, UK

Studying abroad was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I went in not knowing what to expect and not knowing anyone. We all became like a family, and it really grew on me. You get a chance to learn more about yourself, others, and the culture around you. If you go abroad, do not be shy. Go out, talk to the people, and explore the area. I will never forget the times I had or people I met during my study abroad adventure.

Teresa Hammonds

Fayetteville, NC
Theatre & International Relations
Studied abroad in Derry, Northern Ireland

I know that I made the best decision of my life when I chose to study abroad. No matter the tears or the fears that went into this, I made the best memories of my life in Derry and in Northern Ireland as a whole. If I learned one thing during my time studying in Ireland, it was to not be afraid to leave one’s comfort zone and to go see the beautiful world around us. Life is way too short to not experience it to the fullest.

Ryan Kowalski

Arlington Heights, IL
PGA Golf Management
Studied abroad in Semester at Sea

Visiting 17 countries across four continents and studying on a cruise ship full of college students was a once in a lifetime opportunity that changed my life forever. Semester at Sea’s most valuable lesson is pushing yourself every day to become comfortable with the uncomfortable and to relish the unknown. Nothing amazing ever happened in your comfort zone. Go scare yourself, find yourself, and change your life.

Kayla Pless

Hampstead, NC
Sport Management
Studied abroad in England, Wales and Guatemala

I have studied abroad twice while being at Methodist, and it was the best decision I ever made. I went to London and Wales in the summer and I went to Guatemala in October. Both were short trips, but I am glad I got the opportunity to travel abroad. A picture won’t do these places justice, it’s something you have to experience in person.